Common Questions About DUI Charges

Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious criminal charge. In Pennsylvania, even a first-time offense can cost you high fines, penalties and jail time. Do not leave your future to chance. Take control of the situation by exploring your options with a knowledgeable and experienced attorney.

At Terry Hess Law, I am here to protect your rights and guide you step by step to the best possible solution for your case. I have represented students like you for more than 20 years. I am skilled at representing college students and recent grads. Allow me to alleviate the stress and pressure associated with your DUI charge.


If you are hesitant about contacting a lawyer, you may have lingering questions. I have provided answers to your frequently asked questions below.

Can I go to jail for a DUI charge?

The type of DUI conviction determines if you serve jail time or not. A first-time offender with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) over .10%, or one who is convicted of being under the influence of drugs, faces mandatory jail time.

What if I am guilty and convicted?

A conviction has the potential to smudge your record, land you in jail and require you to pay fines. Jail sentences range from five days to seven years. Fines range from $300 to $15,000.

Are there any programs for first-time offenders?

Depending on the factors and jurisdiction, a first-time offender may qualify for a program called Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition, which allows participants to participate in Alcohol Highway Safety School or an alcohol treatment program in lieu of jail.

Will they suspend my license?

When convicted of a DUI with a BAC of over .10%, you face the possibility of losing your license for 30 days on a first offense. More serious or repeated DUI convictions can result in a license suspension of up to 18 months.

The legal system is intimidating, and you will want a lawyer who can explain the process and fight on your behalf. For answers to your personal questions, consult me. I have made competent and qualified legal defense affordable for more than 20 years.

I Offer Free Initial Consultations

You may hesitate to contact a lawyer if it is your first criminal charge. You may believe that you are guilty and will be better off paying fines and serving probation. The possibilities are numerous when it comes to a DUI charge. It will be beneficial for you to explore those options and preserve your innocence with me, attorney Terry Hess.

Contact my State College office at 814-357-7040 for your free initial office, jail or phone consultation. I can also set up your appointment via email, simply complete this online contact form.